What Finance Recruiters Look for on Your Resume

A solid resume is a cornerstone of any successful job search.

Too long and you risk having it placed on the “not suitable” pile. Too short, with a lack of outcome focused language, and you’ve got the same result. When tenured finance recruiters look at resumes they are hoping to see three specific things.

Read on to find out how to transform your resume from mundane to exceptional.

The Basics

Let’s start with the basics. In an industry that defines itself by clarity and precision, resumes that are more than 2 ½ pages long, riddled with inaccuracies and not in chronological order, do you a disservice. Ideally, from the perspective of most finance recruiters, whatever job you are applying for will connect with your most recent experience.

Highlights of Your Career

To write an award-winning resume, create a section that focuses on the highlights of your career. Make sure to include any software and accounting standards that you’re comfortable with. List industries that you have worked in and any areas of specialization. Analysts, for example, should highlight their Excel expertise, specifically outlining functions they are particularly adept at. In essence, your highlights section should be a summary of what makes you most marketable.

Achievements Focused

Finance recruiters look for resumes that are outcome focused. Consider creating an achievements section under each job. For example, if you were the lead on a project that resulted in some very specific benefits for your organization, make sure to include that on your resume.

A great resume can go a long way in marketing your personal brand effectively. If done well, it can mean the difference between opening the door to opportunity, or starting the process all over again.

Let us know what you think! At Clarity Recruitment, we’re always interested in hearing from accounting and finance professionals like yourselves, who are ready for new, exciting opportunities that can take their careers to the next level. And be sure to follow us on Twitter (@clarityrecruits) and connect with us on LinkedIn and Facebook for more great tips and advice.

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