How to Know If an Accounting Interview Went Well

You just finished your accounting interview and although you think it went well, you wonder if the person on the other side of the table felt the same. There are, however, a number of signs that your accounting interview was successful. Here’s how to know that you could be the candidate of choice.

The Big Picture
If the interviewer talked about the big picture and connected it to your skill set, that’s a sign that the interview went well.  Extra points if they actively sought your feedback on a specific challenge.

Assessing Interest
If the interviewer tried to assess your interest in the role that’s a great sign.  This can happen after it’s clear that you’ve developed a positive rapport.  If the interviewer asked you something like, “What do you think of the role” it’s likely they were trying to assess your level of interest.  And do a happy dance internally if they asked you when you were available to start.  That’s clearly a very positive sign.

Job Prospects
At the end of the interview if the interviewer asked about other job prospects, they were trying to see how serious you were about the role, and if they needed to step up their pace to land you.

If the interviewer introduced you to other stakeholders after the interview was finished, then you are clearly a serious contender for the role.  After all, they wouldn’t waste other people’s time if they didn’t see you in the position – introducing you is a way of getting buy-in from the other stakeholders who are impacted by the hiring choice.

For most companies, asking for your references at the end of the first interview is a very positive sign.  If the interviewer asked for references, they’re interested in moving to the next phase of the process.

The Timeline
While some companies have a very specific timeline that they adhere to during the interview process, others will take the time needed to secure the right candidate.  If the interviewer offered you a very clear timeline of when you can expect to hear back and asked if that schedule worked for you, they clearly value you and see you as a strong candidate for the role.

Willingness to Answer Questions
If the interviewer encouraged you to email or phone if you have any questions, that’s a great sign that your accounting interview was a success.  Any invitation like this to follow-up means that the company is invested, particularly if the interviewer handed you their card and told you that their email and cell number was on it.

Key Takeaways
There are some very specific indications that your accounting interview was a home run.  If there was a very obvious give-and-take during the interview, the interviewer began to connect your skill set to the big picture, or asked when you could start, then chances are they see you as a serious contender for the role.  Regardless, conduct follow-up and continue to demonstrate interest.  Chances are, if the interviewer showed you a number of the signs listed above, you have a good shot at being the person who signs on the dotted line.

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