Coming Soon: AI Recruiters

AI recruiters are a part of the future. In this week’s installment, Part Two of Clarity Recruitment’s four-part series on Artificial Intelligence in the hiring process, we examine the challenges faced by AI in its attempt to change the recruiting landscape and outline a few reasons why AI isn’t ready to take your job just yet.
Dear Recruiter: AI Is Coming for You
In recent years, news headlines such as “Half of Canadian jobs will be impacted by automation in the next 10 years” (Global), or “42% of Canadian jobs at high risk of being affected by automation, new study suggests” (CBC) may have caught your attention and spurred you to question: “Am I going to lose my […]
Inside Clarity’s Career Accelerator: Going Above and Beyond
Clarity’s unique service designed to help candidates who we can’t represent today build the necessary skills and experience to become the qualified candidates of tomorrow.
The Must-Have Qualities of an Effective Finance Leader

There is a saying that people buy into the leader before they buy into the vision. If you want to affect change, it makes sense that people must trust you and the way you see the world. Building this foundation is a critical step in being an effective finance leader.
6 Things Employers Want to Hear in an Accounting Interview

An accounting interview can be a stressful affair. After all, you have a short window of time to make a great impression and separate yourself from the other candidates. Here are 6 things you can say in an accounting interview that will have employers sitting up and taking notice.
7 Things Your Finance Recruiter Wants You to Know
A recruiter who specializes in the finance and accounting industry can be a valuable resource in your job search process. To maximize the potential success of the relationship, there are several things a candidate should know.
Here are the 7 key insights that your finance recruiter wants you to understand.
How to Be a Strong Communicator

Franklin Roosevelt is history’s “great explainer.” He could take a complex concept and simplify it so that everyone could understand. Here’s how to gain buy-in and become a strong communicator.
Not Montgomery Burns – How to Spot a Good Manager in a Finance Interview
Let’s face it, there’s a lot of truth in the saying that people quit their managers, not their jobs. A great manager can be a mentor and an inspiration. A poor leader, on the other hand, can be a nightmare for team productivity and culture. Ideally, before you
Accounting Trends 2017
How to stay on trend – and we’re not talking about terms like “easy elegance” or “bold prints.” Instead, we’re looking at how 5 key accounting trends are shaping 2017.
Here are 5 trends that are turning into game changers.
The Cloud and Client Expectations
The cloud has shifted client expectations.
Traits to Look for When You Hire Top Accountants

There are a number of traits to look for if you need to hire top accountants. In fact, our research into performance revealed a few surprises. For example, team preference did not show up on the top 5 list of traits to look for when hiring an accountant. Surprised?
4 Signs You’re a Good Finance Manager
Are You an All-Star Finance Manager?
We’d all like to think that we’re great Finance Managers, even if we’re relatively new at the rol. We communicate collaboratively after all and have an open door policy. But there are definitely signs that you’re the kind of Finance
How to Prevent New Finance Hire Turnover
The internet abounds with general tips on how to reduce employee turnover. Get creative with benefits, articles trumpet. Offer regular praise and recognition, blogs proclaim.
But what about the first month, when new finance hires are most prone to throwing in the towel. What does a hiring manager need to