How to Land a Finance or Accounting Job Using Social Media

Most of us are veterans when it comes to sharing funny dog videos, or liking an image on Facebook. Where most of us could stand to improve, however, is how we use social media to source new job opportunities. If you leverage social media the right way, you stand a much better chance of increasing referrals and landing more interviews.

Here are some tips for leveraging social media to get you to your next finance or accounting job.

Tip #1: Your Professional Brand
Consider how you want to position yourself. What makes you stand out from the crowd? Are you a Hyperion or Cognos guru? Do you always seek out leadership opportunities? Are you great at seeing patterns in the data and creating actionable insights that deliver real world results for your companies?  Understand who you are and the kind of role you want to land, and then keep that messaging consistent across all social media platforms. And always ask yourself – if I share this image or content does it support or detract from my professional brand?

Get tips on defining your professional brand by reading this article.

Tip #2: Create Relevant Profiles
With 45% of employers using social media to find out more about a candidate’s qualifications, it makes sense to create a profile that speaks to what you can offer an organization. Do some research on what key skills employers are currently looking for by reviewing job postings on LinkedIn, or other job websites.  Then show how your accomplishments match the skills that employers want. Use specific metrics to demonstrate value. And don’t just post this information on LinkedIn, also think about creating relevant profiles on Twitter and Facebook.

Tip #3: Cultural Fit
Here’s an interesting stat – 51% of employers look at candidates on social media to see if they would be a good cultural fit for the organization. If you’re really interested in working for a fast-paced start-up, for example, then create a profile that is brimming with energy, entrepreneurial spirit and creativity. Want to work for a non-profit? Create a profile that shows how you’ve given back to your community, or worked to achieve the goals of companies who try to make a difference.

For more information on why employers look at your social medial profile read this article.

Tip #4: Leverage LinkedIn
LinkedIn is the single most powerful social media tool for finance and accounting candidates looking to land their next opportunity. Join relevant groups (recruiters use them to source talent), position yourself as a thought leader by posting relevant industry related information and build your network by connecting with 2nd level connections (people who are connected to someone you’re already connected to). Follow companies of interest on LinkedIn to see job opportunities and craft a great profile that shows a career story filled with purposeful choices.

Tip #5: Stay Engaged
Life is busy, but spending an hour a day on social media can pay dividends. “Like” companies you’re interested in on Facebook and join conversations on industry trends. Follow a company’s tweets to catch new job opportunities, or to build a relationship with an internal recruitment team member. Post updates that show you understand your industry and its needs.

Tip #6: Build a Relationship with a Recruiter
Recruiting agencies that specialize in finance and accounting talent can be a virtual treasure trove for candidates looking to land their next job opportunity. Building a relationship with a recruiter keeps you front of mind for roles that need to be filled. Follow recruiting agencies on LinkedIn and reach out to connect to specific recruiters. Join groups that recruiters are members of – it will move you up in the search results if you are in the same group as a recruiter.

Resource: Read this blog to find out how accounting and finance recruiters can be the bridge to your next role.

Key Takeaways
Social media can make the job search process easier by connecting you to the right people and opportunities. Consider your professional brand when crafting social media profiles or posting updates. Stay engaged on social media and demonstrate that you’re on top of industry trends. Leverage the power of LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to grow your network and see job opportunities as they arise. Build a relationship with a recruiter to help you access career advice and your next opportunity. Social media, done the right way, is a valuable tool for landing the job that you want.

Your Next Step
No one should walk the job search or hiring road alone. At Clarity Recruitment we help others realize their success through a process that marries proprietary technology with unwavering commitment. Contact us today to take control of your career, or to partner with us to hire well.

Clarity Recruitment, connecting exceptional people with remarkable companies.

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