How to Succeed in Your Accounting Job as an Introvert, Part II

Shy guy or gal at work? Don’t worry: you don’t always have to come out of your shell to come out on top.

You might be an introvert, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be bullish about your career. We’ve talked before about what you can do to ensure that you, as an introvert, excel in your accounting job. And there’s plenty more good advice where that came from.

Recognize your strengths

As an introvert in an accounting job, it can be all-too easy to get down on yourself for not being as charismatic, assertive, or energetic as some of your more extraverted colleagues. But beating yourself up for not being someone else is a waste of time and energy. Valuing your unique and irreplaceable strengths will infuse you with confidence and arrest your anxiety, ensuring greater success in your accounting job and career.

Fair enough – you may not be the best at delivering presentations or speaking in public. Maybe you’re not the go-to person in your office to wheel and deal prospective clients. But don’t sell yourself short. Being an introvert at an accounting job isn’t without its own advantages. Your skills and specialties are no less admirable. Maintaining a genuine, stoic, and composed attitude in the face of adversity, nurturing strong, one-on-one relationships – these are the kinds of things introverts excel at. And they’re not to be taken lightly.

Nurture your one-on-one connections

Introverts typically thrive in intimate social situations; use this to your advantage in your accounting job. While you may be less comfortable working the room at a networking event or speaking up at a team meeting, you can nonetheless work on fostering close connections with clients in small groups or one-on-one.

Beating yourself up for not being someone else is a waste of time and energy. 

Really get to know people and build their trust in those quiet settings in which you feel most at home. And to be honest, you’re just as likely to win someone’s trust in these kinds of situations as you are by schmoozing at a party. 

Set realistic limits – and keep to them

As an introvert in your accounting job, you may feel pressured to overextend yourself, committing to multiple meetings, social and networking engagements each day. But going against your nature is a surefire way to burn yourself out.

Instead, set realistic goals about how much socializing or networking you can do with work people per week. Be honest with yourself about what you can actually handle; once you set a limit for yourself, stick to it. People will understand, and you’ll ultimately be able to accomplish better quality work. Further, when you do socialize, you will feel less strained or uncomfortable doing so.

Don’t let your introversion get you down in your accounting job. Focusing on your talents and strengths may not necessarily bring you out of your shell – but it will bring out the best in you.

Are you a wallflower at work? How have you managed to succeed, in spite of your introverted personality? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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